Monday, January 3, 2011

21 days Getting Organized Challenge

Is there anything better than starting a NEW YEAR? The possibilities are endless, we all have goals, challenges, and dream of a better year. Naturally like most of you, I too am hopeful that this will be THE YEAR. 
Will I finally get organized, will my kids learn to pick up after themselves? 
Will I finally lose those annoying 10 or 20 pounds?
Will I run a marathon?
Will I finally learn to be more calm, and stop yelling?
Will I stop wearing my pajama after 8am?
Will I be a better mother, daughter, wife, and sister?

I say yes, to all of the above, that's the beauty of a NEW YEAR!

To kick of at least ONE of these things, the LOVELY TONI
is hosting a getting organized challenge. 

21 days to get organized, and she started on Jan 1 with cleaning your junk drawer, taking Sunday off, today Monday Jan 3 is cleaning your desk day.

I kinda took the weekend off, he he, BUT lucky me I already cleaned my desk a while back, remember the GREEN DESK? No biggie, I still have to clear out my junk drawers, and I'm sure I can clean something else tomorrow, since my desk is already done. 

Here are some of the small ways I've tried to get organized recently. Nothing big, but an improvement, and I guess that's always better than nothing. Hopefully this year, I can do things even better, and in a way that I am truly satisfied with. 
My daughters room
My overgrown nasty garden
Creating a place for my flowers
Pantry makeover part ONE
Pantry makeover part TWO
My original list and a TIP
The list almost COMPLETED

Join me gals, in this awesome challenge. It's so brilliant, I think I could do MANY of these this year. For now, go check out Toni, and link up as well. I am super excited, and it's always SUPER fun when you get to share your happiness with others. 

We could all be clean, organized, blogging machines, by the end of the month. 

See you all tomorrow!!
As always ENJOY!

Special requests, or mad love always welcome:)
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  1. Thank you so much bella! Thats great! Hugs, Toni

  2. I applaud you my friend and I hope to achieve some of the things that you mentioned as well! Like you said, it is a new year and a new attitude! Good luck to you and I am excited to join you on this journey!


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P.S. Thanks BUNCHES for reading my blog and leaving a NICE comment :)

Hugs, Bella

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In my spare time I enjoy cooking, and baking. In fact my mother and I have been making cakes for over 30 years. I also love gardening, traveling, and all things crafty. I struggle daily to keep my like organized, along with my never ending battle to keep the house clean. I adore my three kids MOST of the time, and can usually be found doing the mom thing from morning till night. I try to catch a few mommy moments, but those are hard to find in this wonderful life of mine. I am blessed and happy, and am thrilled you stopped by today :)