Thursday, February 3, 2011

PLEASE help me again, my blog is not centered, and it's driving me NUTS!!!

I'm sorry everyone, for my blog being a mess, while Im sorting things out, trying to get it in order.

Somehow, though, after switching to minima stretch, I noticed it was not aligned to the center of the page. 

I've added a few more things, changed some stuff, and have TRIED to find the answer online, but no luck, everything I try, just seems to push it even more to the left. 

I have checked this on my other mac, I work on my apple notebook, and on both it's totally pushed all the way to the left, with a huge margin on the right. 

I don't know what to do, and just want the blue background to be equally displayed on the left too, duhhh. 

PLEASE PLEASE help me figure this out. 

If anyone can help me out, I would love you forever. 
I think I am almost done with the most part of my blog makeover, as long as I can align it properly, I'm happy. 


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  1. I wish I could help you! I use blogger, so adjusting margins and columns is pretty simple. I didn't used to be, and I did some google searching and found some code and instructions for fixing margins, but that information has long since been cleared out of my brain to make room for something new and shiny :)
    Sorry I can't help, good luck!

  2. P.S. the new windblown picture of you is adorable.

  3. pc ie8 it looks fine to me.

    same amount of blue on the left as is on the right.

    is that what you were asking?


  4. google chrome
    uh oh
    no blue on the left lots of blue on the right.

  5. sorry...I'm computer dumb! wish I could help!!!

  6. I'm using the old google chrome and it looks right to me. Wait! Take that back. Your pictures on the left are cut off compared to what I saw the other day.... humm I'm not sure- See.. I'm slow with stuff like this, wish I could help! :?


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P.S. Thanks BUNCHES for reading my blog and leaving a NICE comment :)

Hugs, Bella

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In my spare time I enjoy cooking, and baking. In fact my mother and I have been making cakes for over 30 years. I also love gardening, traveling, and all things crafty. I struggle daily to keep my like organized, along with my never ending battle to keep the house clean. I adore my three kids MOST of the time, and can usually be found doing the mom thing from morning till night. I try to catch a few mommy moments, but those are hard to find in this wonderful life of mine. I am blessed and happy, and am thrilled you stopped by today :)