Saturday, August 7, 2010

How to remove Lipstick stains from clothes.

I know you guys have been there. Pulled out a load of laundry, only to discover a crayon had stained all your clothes, or a pen, or in my case today lipstick. Yes, since I had nothing better to do, I couldn't resist ruining an entire load of laundry with red lipstick.

 I about freaked when I started pulling all the clothes out. I thought no way, what in the world happened. I looked for the culprit and sure enough my empty tube of lipstick was there. I normally separate whites from darks, and so on. But you know how it is when you only have a few of each, I just threw them all in there for this last load, to get it done.

I had a pair of my hubbies jeans, all his white under linen (underwear and undershirts), all my white hand towels for the bathroom, several of Big B's kinda new school shirts, and many other clothes that I don't want to think about. :(

I quickly started browsing the internet for ways to remove these stains, and all the places I looked said that once the clothes have been dried it's almost impossible to get it out. My heart sank, but I knew I had to try.

So check out these pics, I only put some of the most ruined of clothes. Some items actually got sparred, while others were house clothes to begin with so, Im not too upset.

Just a few of the ruined clothes. 
The BAD lipstick, and hey I found a dollar in the wash.
Probably mine anyway, but still. lol
One of Big B's fav shirts, he was going to wear this,
and the other gray shirt below, for first day of
school, so I really had to try and get the stain out.
Bad lipstick again, and my cleaning supplies.
Oh PLEASE let this work. 
Ok, ok, come on baby. This is only rubbing alcohol, and
a dab of the laundry detergent. 
Woo hooo, Success!!!
The other shirt I was talking about, man I would have
been in trouble if I didn't clean this. 
Fingers crossed, and hey check out my mehndi again!!
Not bad for a first time hugh?
Came out with a bit more scrubbing than the other shirt,
T shirt material is way harder to clean, it's so stretchy.
I had like 7 of these hand towels in the wash.
Lets see if it's worth the effort of cleaning them.
Even though I think the stain came out, I DO NOT think
it's worth the time, and broken fingers, trying to get
these all clean. I think I'll live if I go get some new ones.
All in all I'm glad I tried, and really glad to be able to show you guys that EVEN in you dry your clothes, there's still hope. If some really expensive or favorite items were in there, I would def try to get all those clean. With most of the laundry being underwear or house clothes, I only worked on a few items and luckily had great success.

So moral of the story

  • Do not wash clothes with crayons, pens or lipstick. 
  • If  you do, do not believe other online people who say it wont come out once dried. (Mine did)
  • Also please notice that I DID NOT use any nasty chemicals, you can do this with only rubbing alcohol, and a little laundry soap (mine is all natural, give it a try guys, you will love it)
Hope you guys are having a great weekend, and let me know if you have any ideas that worked for you when you had stains. Check out my Blogfrog community, and let me know all about it.



  1. Thanks for sharing this tip. I wonder if this would would for dried paint?

    1. You can actually use paint thinner after diluting it on most clothing for paint removal, just don't can also put clothing in freezer and chip or peal it off once frozen. Crazy but I have done it before and it worked. It has a lot to do with what the base is for the paint, oil, etc. So now I am off to hopefully get out these lipstick stains...yippee!😆🤗🙄. Thanks for all the suggestions

  2. Thank for the tip! It worked nicely!,

  3. thank you it's much easy than i thought

  4. totally did not work:( I am so bummed. Oh well, off to try something else

  5. I will be trying this on the next sunny day (I try not to use our dryer). Formula has been taking a toll on my baby's shirts. Thanks for sharing this!

    Marlene Detierro (Eureka Joe's)

  6. thanks going to try it just now will tell u the result

  7. Thanks I was at work and noticed this lipstick on my coat. I used dial soap and an alcohol! It worked thanks again

  8. thank you for this post! i am going to try it right now! :)

  9. Definitely going to try this. I now have bright pink lipstick all over every pair of good jeans that I own, a sweatshirt, and some of my dad's things. I hope this works! (By the way, I LOVE your hand!

  10. Thank you, thank you, thank you. My favourite vest with attachable sleeves is as good as new. All I need now is Physio for my wrist!

  11. what is the ratio of detergent and alcohol

  12. Bella,
    Thank you, thank you for the hint about removing lipstick from washed fabric. There was a huge lipstick stain on our guest comforter that I didn't see until I removed it from the dryer. Your alcohol and detergent worked PERFECTLY to remove it! Appreciate the hint!


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Hugs, Bella

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In my spare time I enjoy cooking, and baking. In fact my mother and I have been making cakes for over 30 years. I also love gardening, traveling, and all things crafty. I struggle daily to keep my like organized, along with my never ending battle to keep the house clean. I adore my three kids MOST of the time, and can usually be found doing the mom thing from morning till night. I try to catch a few mommy moments, but those are hard to find in this wonderful life of mine. I am blessed and happy, and am thrilled you stopped by today :)