Hey guys, I started this party in August of 2010. I needed a major kick in the butt to get some things organized, and cleaned out. I had this challenge going for 2 weeks, and had a pretty huge list of things to complete. I'm pleased to say that it worked, and I finished most of the things I set out to do. You can read all about my challenge here, and if you want to see what I accomplished go here.
I also set up this party for others to share some projects they were working on, and guess what, I actually had several ladies join in the fun, and I want to Thank them so much, for participating. If you missed out on any of those check them out here. It may have been small, but it was a start, and I only hope to bring you more and more Amazing projects from now on.
Come back every Tuesday to link up to my party. The link list will be open until the following Tuesday when the new one starts. So you will always have a chance to join no matter when you decide to do it.

I will feature my TOP 10 favorite links the following week, so keep your eye out, you may be one of the chosen ones. If you would like to be featured, make sure to be a regular participant. You won't want to miss this opportunity to be seen for an ENTIRE week on my sidebar, and in a dedicated featured post. I also like to feature projects on my facebook page, and pinterest page too, so make sure to follow along, just because you didn't make the TOP 10 doesn't mean you didn't get featured somewhere.
I hate rules, but here are some things you can do to make me happy!
Link back to my blog --- The easiest way to do this is by grabbing my button (ABOVE). I actually PREFER having my buttons somewhere on your sidebars, or even a linky party page. Linking in the actual post is great too.
Link back to my blog!!
Link back to my blog!!
I know I just repeated myself, but this really is my NUMBER ONE request.
It's a lot or work running these parties, and especially doing a TOP 10 featured post every week. Which by the way I use a TON of my sidebar to promote you on. If you could help spread the word about my blog, and party, it surely makes it worth it. That way I know you appreciate all the work I put into it, and that makes me happy.
I kindly ask you don't add ETSY shops to the party.
Link directly to your post.
Also leave me a comment, and try to visit a few other blogs, leaving them a comment too. Leaving great comments, is the BEST way to get a new follower, and friend. Be social, I promise, you will get people to notice you much faster that way!!