SO how do I go about describing Natalie's blog to you. Hmmm, well let me show you guys some pics of the BLONDE herself. She is super funny, has hilarious stories, loves to shop, is getting married to her sweetheart soon, is a teacher, loves her kids, (although they really aren't hers, hehe), and she loves the lord. Does that about sum it up? Oh I almost forgot to mention, my girl will hopefully be starting up her own ETSY shop soon, she designs jewelry, and is kinda good at it, :) Now just check out these pics, I promise it is THE SAME gal!!!

Hello! My name is Natalie, the should-be "blonde" over at, Blonde at Heart!
Its so nice to meet you and thank you Bella for allowing me to visit!! :) I am so thrilled to be here!
When I was asked to guest post, I started thinking about how best to describe my blog. Aside from my posts about awesome clothes and shopping {and the things we do for beauty}, scuba diving even though the ocean and stuff in it freak me he heck out, and the random jewelry crafts that I share; I basically share about all of the stupid things that I do that other people might be too embarrassed to share. I am beyond that point now and almost pray that I do something that way I have something to blog about.
For example:
This past weekend we went out to dinner with a bunch of friends to help celebrate our friend, Jeanette's, birthday. We were having a blast and just chatting and catching up. We some how got on the topic of April Fool's birthdays and how many there {of actual April 1st birthdays}. Jeanette mentioned that she was almost an April Fool's baby. I started thinking and just barely caught myself from asking, "Oh really? When is your birthday?" I was so happy that I didn't actually ask her that I just started laughing. She looked at me {because I was laughing at practically nothing!}, and of course I couldn't keep my mouth shut or my pride intact, so I shared with her my blonde moment that I had in my head {that was now out there for everyone else to hear}. At least it was a good laugh for everyone around the table.
Welcome to my life! :)
I hope you stop by and visit me! I would love to hear from you! I love making new friends and hearing about other people's "blonde" moments {that way I know I am not alone!}. :)
Thank you Natalie for being her today, he he. I am so bad, she was supposed to be here last night, and I FORGOT, I am so sorry, and thank you for being so sweet and not being mad at me. You rock girl!
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Hugs, Bella