When I posted THIS POST asking for help, and then sent an email to my blogfy friends, I never expected so many people to respond.I am blessed with wonderful friends, and I had a ton of ladies, who were more than willing to keep you all entertained while I get better, or get some sleep, or paint my garage, whatever, he he. The point is that I am SUPER lucky, super THANKFUL, and SUPER excited to introduce you all to Krista from
Hi Everyone! I'm Krista, the ringleader of the circus over at While He Was Napping! In a nutshell, I'm a young, twenty-something Army wife and momma. My Mr Right is the love of my life and best friend. I'm a lucky girl like that. We have a super cute Little Monkey that keeps me on my toes. He has more energy than I could even dream of. Oh, to be young! Well, younger...
My little family is in the process of moving and I am very excited to decorate a new space. I have always been a creative girl and can't remember the last time I didn't have some sort of project going on. I am a
While He Was Napping came about after a friend encouraged me to open an Etsy shop. I did and didn't have much success. I had plans of using my blog to promote my shop. My family ended up making a very sudden move and I pretty much forgot about Etsy... and my blog. Last August I decided to try again. My Etsy does ok, I guess. But, I love blogging. I have always loved to write. I love creating and sharing what I do. And my extended family appreciates not having our family blog invaded by my crafting posts. It's the best of both worlds.
You will find a wide variety of things on While He Was Napping. Looking for some new recipes to try out with your family? Come try Idaho Tacos or how about a quick and easy Teriyaki Chicken and Rice? And if you've got a sweet tooth, don't you worry, I've gotcha covered. Boy, do I have you covered on that one.

I also enjoy the occasional nap time craft. Nap time is the only time I get things done. Sound familiar? Some of my favorite projects include:
My Vinyl Flower Garden. Cute and it won't die if I forget to water it...
The Quilt I made for Little Monkey before he was born. That's true love, when a 7-month pregnant woman sits on the floor for 5 hours marking and tying a quilt for you...
The Menu Board I made for my mom. Frugal and, by planning out our meals, it helps save money on groceries too:

My Dollar Tree Hurricane Vases are some of my favorite decor items. So versatile, so frugal and soo easy!
As you can probably guess, Little Monkey is one of my favorite people to craft for. Partially because he's so little, and because he always tells me "Cool, Mom!" I love that. Makes me feel like a ROCK STAR!
He loves his ABC's at Church Book:

And he was really jealous of the car mat I made for a friend:

Little Monkey isn't the only one I target with my craft gun. My Mr Right gets a fair share of my aim as well. I'm a total romantic and honestly believe that the best way to strengthen your relationship is to play together. We strive for weekly Date Night and try to take time out to remember why we fell in love in the first place. To help our quest for eternal romance, I've made a few things to push us along:
And, my personal favorite, a personalized Choose Your Own Adventure Date book. Did you ever read those books when you were a kid? I made one for a date night. It was awesome. One of the best dates we've ever had:
I love holidays. Christmas is my favorite, but I love them all. I've hosted a few holiday-specific series' at While He Was Napping, such as October Spooktacular. I shared some cute RIP cupcakes and a delicious Spider Web Nachos recipes.
One of my Gift Ideas included a personalized chalkboard sign:
Another one was a terra cotta pot candy dish:

And for your sweetheart, printable naughty or nice coupons:

Speaking of parties, I host a linky party every weekend. Weekend Wander. Anything is welcome, as long as it is family friendly and not a commercial site. Party opens Thursday night and closes Monday night. We party long and hard over here. Come show off your latest and greatest, your Etsy shop or advertise a giveaway or your own link party.
I have giveaways on my blog as well. Prizes range from a variety of odds and ends to corporate sponsored gift cards. I also have an on-going link collection of recipes. So, if you're looking for some new ideas or have a favorite you'd like to share, come on over and join the Great Recipe Exchange!
As you can see, there are all kinds of things over at While He Was Napping. And I didn't even get to my free printables section, or my home organization and cleaning tips! There is something for everyone, so come on over! Pull up a chair and settle in with your beverage of choice. Get comfy and check out what I did while he was napping.
Thanks for letting me visit today! It was a ton of fun!
That was so awesome getting to know her better, wasn't it?
Thanks for joining us today Krista!!
If you liked this post, then follow me dude!

Thanks for joining us today Krista!!
If you liked this post, then follow me dude!

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Hugs, Bella