
Wednesday, July 27, 2011

WIWW #3 ~ AKWARD poses ~

Hey everyone, thanks for stopping by to see me today. I did a couple posts on WIWW and it was so much fun, and I had the sweetest nicest comments, so I want to try to make it a habit to dress up AT least once a week, and get out of my yoga clothes, lol. 

This weekend I went to a baby shower, remember the BABY CONVERSE CAKE? It was for that, and I got dressed up, just a little. I don't really like wearing dresses, but this dress is so comfortable, and I love that it hides EVERYTHING, like it's seriously magical, he he. I wore a nice chunky belt, high on the waist. I also don't wear heels anymore, because my feet hurt too bad, but these sandals I could actually stand in for more than an hour. 

Now get ready to laugh, because I HAVE no idea how to pose for pictures, I have NO IDEA.
My sweet 6 year old daughter was my photographer, thank goodness she has MAD skills, because she actually made me look OK. Love you princess!!

The dress is from Khols.
Sandals from Ross.
Headband from Agape Love Designs. 
Necklace from Charm Bracelet Diva.

Would you believe me if I told you I didn't even shave my legs, YIKES. I had NO time, so I was totally sporting stuble all day, lol. 

Oh and CAN ANYONE give me some pointers on how not to look constipated in all my pics. I so wish I could pose naturally, please help. 

Oh and thank you brick wall from my local CVS, I will be back to see you soon, love the brick background, but hate people looking at me while I'm trying to take pics, WEIRD.... 

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  1. Cute dress! And from my favorite store too! :) I always feel awkward with my poses, which is why I'm almost always sporting the one hand on hip pose. I take my photos in my office every morning because it fits my schedule but I would love a better backdrop. Maybe if I can get myself up earlier and out the door with time to spare...

  2. First of all, I love the curtsy! That was awesome. You seem like you're totally conscience of the fact that the camera is THERE! I try my best to pretend like the camera isn't there. I would just have your daughter (or whoever your photog is) follow you around and just snap random shots occasionally.

  3. You look awesome!! I can relate and feel like I look "silly" in all my "poses".... I'll take any pointers too ;) You rocked the dress, hairy legs and all ;)))

    Have a great day!


  4. I love those shoes and that dress is too cute!! I hate the way I looked posed in pictures so I never do it, but I love it when everyone else does!

  5. Hi Bella! Cute pics and I like your poses. I sometimes feel awkward in mine, too.

    What I do is take my own pics in front of a mirror, and somehow, that has helped me figure out which poses work and which ones don't. Not sure how and it doesn't always work, but it has definitely made a difference!

    I followed you here from WIWW.

    My WIWW Post

  6. Cute Bella! And yay for wearing my headband! LOL
    I love the 3rd to last pic and the last pic best! You did good for feeling awkward. I feel awkward also.. thats why I only do my own pics with my cell instead of allowing my hubby to take them. LOL

    But I would suggest having your daughter stand on a step stool and zoom in just a little so you have more of a straight on photo rather than from just looking up.

    Also get some close up shots of your face, hair, and necklace. :)

    Maybe get specific crop shots of like your feet, your belt and such to show off those accents. :)

  7. Your outfit looks great! I'm not so great at posing either. It looks like you've got a great photographer though. My 5-year-old loves taking pictures...of only my feet. :)

  8. Oh my dear, you are beautiful!! It shows from the inside out and that color....faaaantastic for you! I've learned with posing, to just not take myself too seriously and not try for the "aren't I hot?" look...cauuuuse I just can't pull that off, so I release my inner (and stronger) side...the GOOB! Let your GOOB come out!! ;0)

  9. Hi there Lady!
    LOVE the dress on you, and love the 7th photo. Your personality always shines through your pictures!
    Our CVS looks a little, ehhhh? And I live too far away. We do have some pretty building around Corsicana though :D

  10. Bella! You are simply lovely. I love all of the photos, especially the one where you're making that " Now what? " face.

  11. haha you did a great job posing!!


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Hugs, Bella